Unlock your next level of Love, Sex and Money

For the man pursuing love, craving intimacy, and seeking devotion with a goddess.

Ready to seize his next level of wealth & abundance.

Eager to elevate his leadership and harness true power.



The holy trinity of life

Get ready to unleash an extraordinary life filled with heart-driven connection, limitless pleasure, and an unstoppable flow of abundance – together, let's redefine what's possible

Let's dive in

Courses and Private Mentorship

Dive into a world where love sizzles, wealth skyrockets, and leadership means owning the room. This is for the daring man ready to embrace an extraordinary life – attract your goddess, amass your fortune, and wield your power. Are you bold enough?

I am all in

Michelle Pound

The Podcast

Your guide to a world where relationships blossom, wealth grows, and pleasure is activated.

Every episode of the podcast is a treasure trove of empowering insights and transformative tips. Get ready to revolutionize your approach to love, finance, and personal fulfillment one exhilarating episode at a time.

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Meet Michelle

In our work together, you'll ascend to the pinnacle of your potential, embrace your true power, and attract the queen who matches your ambition. Together, we'll unlock unprecedented levels of wealth, Experience love in its purest, most elevated state and construct a life that transcends the ordinary.

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What Clients Are Saying


I’ve hired Michelle three times and we will probably work together forever because she is the best at identifying your sabotaging beliefs and help you manifest your absolute dream life. Thank you Michelle

-Peter Kell, Founder of Genuis.AI

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With Michelle as your keynote speaker, she will shake things up with a vibrant mix of wisdom, wit, and real-world strategies. Let's make your event not just memorable, but a catalyst for your extraordinary success.

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Unlocking Eros & Fortune: Journey into Love, Sex, and Money

Free 3 Part Training Series

Dive into a power-packed training where love, sex, and money get a radical makeover. Transform your world by exploring and embracing fresh, exhilarating approaches to these tantalizing topics

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